Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Deal of the day . . .

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La Bouillabaisse "La Sardine" comes with shrimp, clams, mussels, calamari, scallops, monkfish and lobster in a saffron broth.

Now, the prices over at French sensation Le Sardine (111 N. Carpenter St., 312-421-2800) are pretty moderate already--with no entrees exceeding $22 (for the braised lamb shank)--so consider the three-course, prix-fixe menu at $25 a treat.

It’s offered every Tuesday, and changes occasionally, but I’m sure on a chilly day like this they’re probably offering signature dishes like La Bouillabaisse "La Sardine," which comes with shrimp, clams, mussels, calamari, scallops, monkfish and lobster in a toasty saffron broth. It’s certain to warm you down to your bones, especially if you pair it with a nice bottle of the newly released Beaujolais.

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