Wednesday, November 28, 2007

An excuse to get buzzed

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Seems like everyone's having champagne tastings these days, but duh! it's that time of year.

Now comes The Tasting Room (1415 W. Randolph St., 312-942-1212) with a bubbly bash offering more than 30 of your favorites (and some stuff you've never heard of).

Tonight, you'll get to sample superstars Krug and Ruinart, great grower Champagnes like Jose Dhondt and Andre Clouet, as well as a wide array of sparkling wines from around the globe.

Also, enjoy light hors d’oeuvres in their city view lounge, and all wines featured will be discounted tonight at the adjoining Randolph Wine Cellars. 6-8pm. $50.

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