Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Are you cool enough to get in?!

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One of the Tuaca Body Art Ball performers

If you're in tight with one of our fabulous local bartenders or servers who's been invited to the Tuaca Body Art Ball, then you might just be lucky enough to get into this exclusive party happening Sunday, Dec. 9 at the Park West (322 W. Armitage Ave.).

The Body Art Ball is an invite-only, private event hosted for the hundreds of area bartenders and servers who have helped to make Chicago one of Tuaca’s top markets. I've never heard of it, but Tuaca is apparently a super-premium, brandy-based Italian liqueur. The brandy is fused with ripe citrus fruit flavors, and sweet aromatics, most notably light vanilla. Want to get an invite? You’ll have to buddy up to your bartender to get into this hot show that includes performers painted in body art, cocktails by Tuaca and plenty to eat.

Doors open at 8pm; show starts at 9:10pm sharp.

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