Tuesday, December 18, 2007

BYOB, baby!

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The chicken and waffles entree at CJ's Eatery in Humboldt Park is not to be missed. (Photo: Mike G.)

For those of you waiting with baited breath for that Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles (3949 S. King Dr.) to open in Bronzeville, I've got some bad news and some good news. The bad news—according to a manager at the flagship Hollywood-based, soul-food favorite—is that it probably won't open in a few years. Why? He didn't want to say, but he assured me that it wasn't coming any time soon.

What's the good news, you ask?

In the meantime, you can check out CJ's Eatery (3839 W. Grand Ave., 773-292-0990) in Humboldt Park, where they're making a name for themselves with their own version of the addictive chicken and waffles dish. Crispy, well-seasoned fried chicken wings are accompanied by an oversize round waffle and homestyle pecan syrup.

And because CJ's Eatery is BYOB, you'll be able to drink like a king or queen and still get out of there for less than $15 a person.

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