Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Deal of the day . . .

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Spend quality time with your sig other at this Couples' Night Out event at the Denim Lounge (43 E. Oak St.) on the Gold Coast. It's a chance to grab some last-minute gifts as four local independent business owners are joining forces to offer some serious deals. G Boutique, Sarah's Pastries, Lush Wine and Spirits along with Denim Lounge will offer discounts on denim, tops, lingerie, "adult" items, chocolates and wine. Also, enjoy appetizers and a wine tasting provided by Lush. For more information, call 312-642-6403. 5-8:30pm tonight.

Or head to Wicker Park's Smoke Daddy (1804 W. Division St., 773-772-6656) to celebrate the arrival of their new, state-of-the-art smoker with a barbecue celebration. They're retiring the Lil Red Smoker—which has been smoking meat for more than 26 years—tonight from 8pm-midnight. They're celebrating with complimentary cake and live music.

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