Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I'm not one to gossip, but . . .

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Hunky "The Hills" star Brody Jenner makes an appearance at Enclave this weekend, and possibly Crobar too?

Now this is too much of a coincidence!

On the season finale of "The Hills" on Monday, star Lauren Conrad kissed her former "boyfriend" and co-star Brody Jenner. Now somehow both of them have wound up in Chicago this weekend to host separate events.

Conrad is the guest of honor for the 19th Annual Holiday for Hope Fundraiser Friday at Crobar (1543 N. Kingsbury, 312-266-1900). The reality starlet will be there all night, and they're requesting that guests bring an unwrapped, new toy for the kids in exchange for free entry. The U.S. Marines will be on hand to collect all toys. Doors open at 9pm.

And on Saturday—ahem—Brody Jenner hosts a model search event for Archangel at Enclave (220 W. Chicago Ave., 312-654-0234). Doors also open at 9pm, and RSVP to

Let the drama begin!

(Thanks, Emily!)

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