Saturday, December 8, 2007

Marcus Samuelsson’s C-House pushed back

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Those waiting for acclaimed Ethiopian chef Marcus Samuelsson (New York's Riingo, Aquavit) to make his Chicago debut will have to wait a little longer.

A call over to Streeterville’s Affinia Chicago Hotel (166 E. Superior St., 312-787-6000), where his Scandinavian-style cuisine will take centerstage at C-House, rewarded 312 Dining Diva with the latest and greatest info. Turns out that the hotel is still renovating and running behind schedule, so the restaurant will not be opening in early 2008, as other media outlets have been reporting.

At this point, they’re looking for C-House to open in late March or possibly sometime in April. Really, who knows, as you know how these things go. As usual, we’ll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for staying on top of the Chicago restaurant scene.

    Only note that the super talented chef Marcus, though born in Ethiopia, is Swedish and really single handedly put Scandinavian cooking on the culinary map. Here's hoping that C House is half as good as Aquavit.

