Wednesday, January 16, 2008

An open letter to a few of my favorite restaurateurs

Rock star restaurateurs Paul Kahan (left) and Donnie Madia are two of the partners behind a new trendy beer-focused eatery opening in 2008.
(Photo: Blackbird)

Dear Donnie Madia, Paul Kahan, Jerry Kleiner and the boys from Rockit Ranch Productions:

The suspense is killing us.

You've all got projects opening sometime this year. Paul and Donnie are opening their beer-focused joint in the West Loop in the spring. Jerry has been planning his contemporary American eatery in Hyde Park since last summer. And Arturo, Billy and Brad (of Rockit Ranch) recently announced a 13,000-square-foot Asian concept going into River North this summer.

The one thing you guys have in common? No NAME!

Please? Pretty please can we have some names for these places soon? Everyone is waiting.

Thanks a bunch!

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