Sunday, February 24, 2008

Curtain call for Cabaret

During its heyday, Vegas-vibed Cabaret (15 W. Hubbard St., 312-245-3100) managed to snag all the stars: From Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn—who had a private party here after “The Break-Up” premiered in Chicago—to Michael Jordan and even Brit’s former flame Kevin Federline. But when managing partner Todd Rubin jumped ship last fall to actually take a gig in Vegas (he’s the marketing director for hot new spot Prive), I knew it was just a matter of time.

Last night (Saturday, Feb. 23) marked Cabaret’s last hurrah, so it’s lights out on that big-ass marquee on the busy River North strip . . . at least for now. Who knows what’s going in that space. But I’ll be on the case. . .

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