Friday, February 15, 2008

This is the reason why I can’t support any Trump projects in Chicago

Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth, the so-called villainess on “Celebrity Apprentice,” is singlehandedly damaging the Trump brand. (Photo: David Gabber/Photorazzi)

This has gone too far. This thing on Donald Trump’s so-called “Celebrity Apprentice” show to an extent that I’ve completely lost respect for him as a businessman.

I’m talking about Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth, whose performance on the show last night was so ridiculously obnoxious that it's making me rethink supporting his ventures in Chicago. Yes, the new Trump Hotel, which includes the just-opened Sixteen restaurant and Rebar lounge.

I watched in horror as Omarosa verbally attacked one of her team members, British journalist Piers Morgan, with vulgar, violent language that belonged on a street corner instead of a professional environment. She also lashed out at him through his family, which was a low blow—even for her. For her disgusting behavior, she was barely admonished by Donald and Ivanka Trump when she should have been dismissed on the spot. (Any real job would've done that!)

And yes, as a professional African-American woman I felt as though I was slapped in the face. Trump and company looked at Omarosa as though the way she behaved was normal for all Black women: loud, vulgar and untameable. No, it's not. And I won't stand for it. I had been looking forward to his hotel coming to Chicago since it was first announced, but now I'm so over it.

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