Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Post your favorite party crasher

A member of "The Eat & Drink Club" settles in at the opening of ZED451. (Photo: Anonymous)

SOME INTERESTING dialogue came about (via email and phone) as a result of "notorious" party crasher Jerry Berliant, who was escorted out of the Trump Hotel's opening reception last night.

So here's the deal. 312 Dining Diva is going to do a public service for all the restaurants and bars who have to put up with these types whenever they hold special events. Send me your photos of members of "The Eat & Drink Club" and I'll post them, so everyone knows who the party-lovin' people are!

Notes on the inaugural member in the above photo sent in by a tipster: "She came to the ZED opening on Friday (after trying at least 4 names) - finally called a friend who was on list and got her to confirm she was her guest.... but at least we made her wait for a good 20 minutes or so.

THEN... she showed up on Monday at ZED for concierge night!
That's when I snapped the photo."


  1. hahahahaha!!!!! I love this...I really hope it takes off...

  2. Great. I love this. The woman in the photo is Judy Turk.

  3. Very funny! I don't mind Judy but Jerry the Crasher is total looser and a stalker. He gets by berating people with his abusive tatics. The city has been on to him for years. Also, don't forget he's currrently Chicago's largest parking ticket scofflaw!!

  4. Your "Party Crasher" article is hilarious. I do recall comments made about the abundance of freeloading bloodsuckers at industry and promotional events. Looking forward to articles on future "nominees".

  5. Expose them all!

  6. Judy Turk is notorious. She shows up at every industry event and she is NOT in any industry. She shows up at restaurant and venue openings which are geared toward event planners, caterers, and event providers. She eats a bit, gets totally drunk and abusive. Any place for free food and drink and she is in her element. Last night was the topper. I was with a group of people, 12 or 13 event planners and Judy Turk was the talk of the event. Everyone wanted to know how she gets into these events, why she is always at these events, why does she sometimes bring her mangy dog with her and how can she be stopped. She takes up valuable space, drinks until she is blotto and worst of all, will go around the room picking up the half drunk glasses of wine that other people have abandoned and will polish them off. YUCK!

  7. She is out of control! She punche my friend in the stomach outside of j bar one night. Mbled something about smoking and darted off into the night
