Friday, August 1, 2008

Obama vs. McCain . . . in cocktails!

Plan B's Ciroc Obama pays homage to the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate. (Photo: Plan B)

Plan B Bar + Kitchen pits the two presidential candidates against one another—this time with cocktails.

Who gets your vote?!

First up is the Ciroc Obama, a dope drink made with Ciroc vodka, splash of Chambord and lemonade, served with a grape sugar rim.

The John McCANE cocktail's rim is dipped in sprinkles. (Photo: Plan B)

Then there's the John McCANE, a sweet sipper composed of crème de coconut rum, Godiva white chocolate liqueur and crème de cassis liqueur with a splash of Frangilco liqueur and 10 Cane rum, served with a Hershey syrup rim dipped in sprinkles.

You cannot go wrong with either!

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