Monday, August 18, 2008

OMG, they did it again!

Now I'm starting to think that they're just doing this to get attention:

Daily Candy Chicago has once again hit below the belt in today's newsletter:

"Don’t blow your load. iCream opened this weekend, and believe us when we tell you — we’ve never had better."

Get it together, people!


  1. I actually think that is kind of funny/witty!

  2. I'm not impressed. Seems like a runchy comment -- If that was my brand, I wouldn't want it represented like that. What's funny is that Comcast just paid $125MM for the Candy and you'd think they'd be more conservative...

  3. OMG, who cares!? Seriously, don't let it get your panties in a bunch. If you're that offended, maybe you should revise your bio, Miss I've Written for

  4. a diva, indeed. is this a site about dining out in chicago, or a place to talk trash? stick to what you know.
