Monday, October 13, 2008

Exclusive: Brasserie Ruhlmann 'closed until further notice'

This just dropped in my inbox from an Ultimate Insider:

"Brasserie Ruhlmann's closing. They say for 3 weeks to a month to do some restructuring. I'd be surprised if they reopen with the same concept."

A quick call to the restaurant resulted in only getting this message from their voicemail: "Thank you for calling Brasserie Ruhlmann. We are temporarily closed until further notice. . . "

Wow. That didn't even last a year. Hopefully they reopen soon, but in the meantime, you can still go across the street to the owners' Japanese-focused eatery Japonais.

UPDATE: From another Ultimate Insider: "I heard from a little birdie that they are talking seriously with some key peeps in the rest bus.... if they sync up with said people I am confident that they will have nothing but success....."


  1. That is crazy. Anyone who opens a restaurant in this market is crazy. How will RockiTRanch's Asian Concept do?

  2. Opening a restaurant in these times is a bit risky, but when you have a love for the business coupled with the know how - I say go for it! The key for success in todays market is fair pricing and customer service....should always be, but Chicag has struggled in these areas as of late....But that is just my 2 cents :)

  3. I love the space and the whole recreation of the original in NYC. However, the owners have poured an enormous amount of $$ into that enormous space and the truth is the service is nothing to write home about, despite the magnificent room. Even in this economy, if they had executed on all fronts -- not just design-- they'd have had a home run.

    That said, it remains an excellent concept and turning the space into something other than retro French-bistro when it's the twin of the original BR in New York would just be ludicrous.

    Simply fix the service (for instance, teach your staff a MODICUM of french pronunciation, history of the architect/era etc) and in a nod to the economy offer a simpler and cheaper prix fixe option.

    Or, if my dreams were to come true, have Thomas Keller come in and give us a little French Laundry / Per Se / Bouchon touch!

  4. Does anyone know what the build out cost?

  5. They locked their doors and gave NO notice to staff! They came to work and doors were locked with note on door! If they "reopen"...good luck finding staff!

  6. I'm so disappointed they closed but only because I met an extraordinary server (Mitchell) and bartender (Andrew). I dined there often but only when one (or both) of them were working.

    Private dining was beyond challenging. The Manager argued with me when I asked for a custom menu (that was more expensive than what his "form" offered), he rarely responded to phone messages or email, and when he double charged the deposit amount it took 2 months (and numerous phone messages and emails) to process the refund. He never even asked how the event went.

    I'm disappointed but not surprised to say I have a reservation for next week and no one has even called to cancel. I guess I'm supposed to show up and read the note on the door like many of their employees apparently had to.

    It appears that Management is reaping their just rewards…
