Sunday, December 7, 2008

Last call at copperblue


Just received this sad news from copperblue owner/chef Michael Tsonton:

"Not often in life does one get the opportunity to see their dream come to life. A dream founded on work so hard, so daunting, so tireless, anything less than joy would have made it a nightmare.

Copperblue became that dream. A dream we shared with you. We have sold copperblue, and are closing her doors on Saturday, December 13th, 2008. After so many years on the same road, I and my business partner, chef and best friend, Victor, have decided to travel different paths.

I hope you will find time to join us for a 'last meal' before we say goodnight. One more week, one more memorable evening."

Sign of the times.


  1. expect a rash of closings after new years.

  2. Hey - You need to post more. What kind of blogger are u?
