Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Uhmmm, Goat Brain Ravioli?!

The Bristol's Chris Pandel is whipping up offal in the form of Goat Brain Ravioli at his Bucktown hot spot. (Photo: Chris Pandel)

Local food writer Lisa Shames gushes on the latest dining trend of offal—think liver, kidneys, heart, head and other animal innards and extremities—on menus at The Bristol, Mado and Publican:

"'Offal is the most intensely flavored part of the animal and really rings true to what it tastes like,' (Bristol chef Chris) Pandel says.

'If done correctly, offal can be delicious. That's the eye-opener for a lot of people,' says (Publican chef Brian) Huston, who sheepishly admits his mom's overcooked liver doesn't fit the bill.

In addition to its flavor, these eco-conscious chefs also cite respect for the farmer and the animal as another strong motivating factor.

'Farmers can't raise just a rack of lamb,' (Mado chef Rob) Levitt says. 'They have to raise the whole animal and these other parts need a home.'"

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