Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Props for new Pilsen bar

(Photo: Simone's Bar)

We haven't hung out in Pilsen in years, but Thrillist's take on newcomer Simone's Bar makes it tempting:

"Further in's 'Simone's Lab,' a 1,000 sq ft bar-within-a-bar, event space, and art gallery, housed in a former mechanic's shop sporting graffiti-scrawled chemistry desk tabletops, dusty lab equipment displayed in lofted cases, random machine parts, and church pews (the only non-reclaimed thing is your jaunty soul).

Booze includes 40+ brews, from cheap staples ($2.50 PBR tall boys) to micros (Founders' Dirty Bastard, New Holland Dragon's Milk, etc) . . . "

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