Friday, February 6, 2009

What they're saying on Facebook . . .

Faith & Whiskey/Bon V partner Hunter Cannon with adorable friend. (Photo: Hunter Cannon)

Todd Appel (Mixologist/Crimson Lounge): "Back from lunch with a friend...had an amazing BACK day at the gym...finally in a good mood. (Celebrity deejay) Samantha Ronson tonight at CRIMSON. Maybe LiLo (Lindsay Lohan).off the hook anyway."

Hunter Cannon (Owner Bon V/Faith & Whiskey): "Faith & Whiskey tonight."

Darryl Hervy (Universal Music Group): "Getting ready for tonight's India.Arie event at Checkerboard Lounge. 8:P.M. doors."

Le Colonial: "Has a few spots left for the Feb 28th cooking class."

Mark Liberson (Partner/Hydrate): "Going to Manny's for lunch- haven't been in years! If you haven't been you need to go. Incredible deli!"

mk: "Oh boy... we're on 'Check, Please!' tonight at 8p & 11p. We'll be working so tweet to let us know how we look please!"

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