Monday, March 16, 2009

Food (Writer) Fight!


"Get a life," emailed Chicago Sun-Times restaurant critic Pat Bruno to Chicagoist dining writer Chuck Sudo in response to this post Monday calling out his "re-review" of Cafe Bionda:

"We still read newspapers, oh yes we do, indeed. So we were happy to find, while reading last Friday's Sun-Times, that restaurant critic Pat Bruno had an opinion of Café Bionda much in line with ours. We also have a good memory and thought, 'Hadn't Bruno reviewed Bionda before?'

Turned out he had. Only it was Bionda's Wicker Park location, and it was only last February that Bruno raved about that one. Helen Rosner at MenuPages Chicago compares the similarities between the reviews. For us, the issue is one of simple laziness. One of the knocks on Bruno's recent work is that it's, let's say, by the numbers. Far be it from us to criticize someone for writing about what he knows best, which in Bruno's case is Italian dining. But two reviews of what is essentially the same restaurant seems like laziness."

Oh, and this gets even better when the Chicagoist writer gets Bruno on the phone, but you gotta read his response—and diss—here.


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