Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend Tweet Beat . . .

The "Scrapple and Sunnyside Eggs," from Publican's first-ever brunch service, which was Live Tweeted Sunday. (Photo: Publican)

What were Chicago's top chefs up to this weekend?! 312DD checks out their Twitter accounts:

Grant Achatz (Executive Chef/Owner Alinea): "Figured out way to make entire tabletop a plate. Fun, engaging, and entertaining,but is it fine dining eating w/ hands from table surface?"

Graham Elliot Bowles (Executive Chef/Owner graham elliot): "New spring menu, new music/playlist, new dining room lights, new lavender aroma, new mirror box display...mon, March 30th."

Phillip Foss (Executive Chef/Lockwood): "Just finished brunch at the Publican... sadistic to come during the 1st service, but enjoyed very much... loved the egg poached in red wine.."

Koren Grieveson (Executive Chef/avec): "I'm getting on my motorcycle today and seeking out a fat juicy burger at Kuma's!"

Stephanie Izard (Executive Chef/The Drunken Goat): "Heading back to Chi...will have a blog and recipes from this michigan trip up in a couple days on website."

Paul Kahan (Executive Chef/Owner Publican): "Teaching everyone how to make hash browns, its about the crispy. And the curly parsley. So cheesey on the hashbrowns, I love that." (from the Live Tweet of Publican's first brunch service)

Paul Kahan: "My inspiration for brunch is obviously not any brunch experience I may have had at Erwin but late night dining at the Diner Grill." (from the Live Tweet of Publican's first brunch service)

Ryan Poli (Executive Chef/Perennial): "Still thinking about the great time i had at Sunda last night!"

Debbie Sharpe (Executive Chef/Owner Feast): "Avoiding sea of green in Bucktown by escaping to home by way of alleys. Will deal with OP's hangovers tomorrow at Feast brunch."

Sarah Stegner (Executive Chef/Prairie Grass Cafe): "86 salmon cake benedicts. Sold 25 orders!"

Erick Williams (Executive Chef/mk): "Just got in live sea urchins and they look amazing..."

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