Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baffling chef shufflings . . .

District's semi-private VIP room. (Photo: The District)

Only after a couple of days after Crain's anointed District Bar with a glowing review ("Executive chef Matthew Moss' lunch starters play with sports-bar expectations by taking standards up a notch."), 312DD learns that the executive chef is outta there.

An Ultimate Insider tells us Moss abandoned ship only this week and owners have already replaced him with a new chef who's likely going to tweak the menu to his liking.

Also out this week is exec chef Andy Motto over at Old Town Brasserie, who replaced celebrated chef Roland Liccioni in December, according to the same Ultimate Insider.

They've immediately promoted one of the line chefs to the head position, but that makes three shufflings in six months and that cannot be good news . . .

UPDATE: A 312DD reader alerts: "The new Executive Chef @ District Bar is Charles Andersson. Before District, he most recently worked at Sage Grille in Highwood, and I know he was at Butter when they first opened."

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