Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dennis Rodman of the culinary world?!

Graham Elliot Bowles as a Chippendale?! (Photo: Marcus Riley for NBCChicago.com)

This is what happens when I'm on a tight deadline and cannot go out.

I miss Graham Elliot Bowles's turn as guest bartender at Monday's popular industry-driven event, Night Shift, at Pops for Champagne.

Occasionally they'll have a celebrity chef fill in behind the bar shaking up his/her signature cocktail, but of course, Bowles (of the eponymous River North eatery), took it to the extreme, according to our friends at NBCChicago.com:

"Yes, that was the acclaimed chef guest bartending with a shirt buttoned down to his navel, a wig, bowtie, fake moustache and the piece de rĂ©sistance—cut-off jean shorts that were cut way too short for comfort. His or ours.

Judging by his recent behavior, it begs the question, is Graham going crackers?

'We're just having fun. There's two ways you can take something like this—super fun or super serious,' Bowles said in between mixing drinks at the bar. 'It's a reflection of our restaurant—we like to have a good time.'"

UPDATE: Oh lawd have mercy. Brace yourselves, people. Now there's a slideshow.

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