Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy 40th Anniversary, Sesame Street!


Forty decades later and the world's most entertaining and educational children's television series is still going strong.

Whenever the likes of Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch, Cookie Monster and Grover popped up on the screen, little kids everywhere were glued to the tube no matter their socioeconomic status or ethnicity.

Even our local dining and nightlife professionals—who were all little kids at one time, too!—were drawn to the sunny days of Sesame Street. It's no surprise their fondest memories of the ground-breaking program helped shape their obsession with food.

312DD got several of them to reach back, waaay back and share some thoughts:

Todd Appel (Mixologist/Crimson Lounge): "I had a Cookie Monster hand puppet and played with my dog...got him all riled up and he went nuts whenever I put it on."

Curtis Duffy (Chef de Cuisine/Avenues): "Cookie Monster was my favorite character. I remember waiting to see him chomp the cookies and loved how aggressive he was when it was time to eat them. I also loved that he would not do anything unless he had a cookie in return. Cookie Monster, all that he could answer and think about was cookies...like me and food!"

Michael Farah (Owner/Berry Chill): "I always wanted to see the inside of Oscar the Grouch's garbage can!"

Troy Graves (Eve): "I have a lot of 'Sesame Street' memories. One of them is the operatic orange singing Habernara from 'Carmen.' Another great one is the Alligator King and his seven sons. I remember a thing where they painted numbers on white bread with ketchup and mustard. I also remember seeing them show women in the streets rolling out tortillas."

Adam Seger (Mixologist/Nacional 27): "I loved Cookie Monster's food obsession. I could relate as a chubby kid."

Cary Taylor (Executive Chef/Chaise Lounge): "COOKIE MONSTER!!!"

Erick Williams (Executive Chef/MK): "My memories are Big Bird singing 'Sunny Day, sweeping the clouds away.’ Also, counting along with the count and holding the fond memory that one is the loneliest number you’ll ever see."

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