Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Red-Hot Mixologist Off to Miami . . .


I've got some unfortunate news to report, folks.

Daniel J. Love—one of the city's best and brightest bartenders (who also happens to be one of the hottest eligible bachelors!)—is leaving town.

The Mercadito mixologist's moving to Miami to open a fourth outpost, which is set to debut in mid-January.

This is a big loss for Chicago as Love, who previously worked at Le Bar at Sofitel, brought some well-deserved attention to Chicago's mixology scene by winning a number of national competitions.

He's an innovator and well-respected by his peers, who'll certainly miss his talents. He'll be behind the bar until Jan. 1, so stop by, say hello and grab one of his amazing cocktails.

Mixologist Jennifer Contraveos shaking up cocktails at Double A. (Double A)

In other bar news . . .

Double A, Mercadito's lower-level VIP bar specializing in tequila and tequila-based cocktails, is off to a good start since it opened last month.

We stopped by Friday night to check it out, and while the music was thumping with high-energy dance and hip-hop, the crowd wasn't exactly feeling it as they were cordoned off into their usual little groups.

Props do go out to the four or five guys gathering around the bar, giving the room somewhat of a social atmosphere.

It's not Double A's fault, but seriously what has really happened to Chicago's nightlife?!

I really hate bottle service.

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