Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chef Radhika Desai is a Cheeky Chick of the Year

(Photo: Radhika Desai)

Sarah Levy (Sarah's Pastries & Candies) and Top Chef alum Radhika Desai (formerly of Between Boutique Cafe and Lounge) are two of 10 fab women honored during Cheeky's annual party for the Cheeky Chicks of the Year.

The party goes down at Sunda at 8pm Friday, with passed apps, cocktails and a deejay spinning.

Single guys may want to take note: It'll be a room full of eligible and gorgeous women, so you might want to make this your first stop of the night!

$25 a person; space is limited. RSVP required at


  1. Well, if I lived in or near Chicago I'd be seriously considering that event. You might be able to encourage more interest in the event by including a Website link to a site that documents who's going to be there, how to dress, how early you can be (early bird catches the worm, I mean lady) and how long you might expect to stay. Maybe everyone in Chicago already knows those details and you don't want outsiders adding to the competition. Just kidding.

    Chuck Lentine
    (AKA GOD'S Cowboy)


    PS - You might thank Kelli Zink for plugging your site. I surely wouldn't have found it on my own.

    Please don't tell me she'll be there, I can't make it anyway. So don't depress me even more. again.

  2. Ha ha ha! I wish I could tell you exactly who will be there, but I can assure you that it will be a great crowd because the girls behind the event are fabulous.

    Also, the time, date and place are listed here. ;)
