Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Paul Kahan Takes on Time Out in Defense of Chaise

Paul Kahan (Photo: Battman Studios)

Five restos, including Chaise Lounge, got blasted by Time Out in a recent article about Check, Please!

But what was more interesting about the story was how fans of Chaise came out strong in the comments section, including celeb chef Paul Kahan (avec, Big Star, Blackbird, Publican):

"(Chaise Lounge Executive Chef) Cary Taylor is part of a small group that uses local product and cooks from the heart. The need to bash Cary, or any other restaurant seems pointless.

"Why not focus on something even slightly relevant for just one little second or two? And by all means, realize that newer restaurants can be seriously hurt by your tounge and cheek bullshit and speculation.

"People like Cary work long and hard to make a solid living that should not be compromised for a cute storyline. Check your facts!"

Also know that Taylor once worked for Kahan at Blackbird, so he's not just defending him for the sake of it!

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