Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Phillip Foss on 'Chef Blogging'

Phillip Foss, executive chef at Lockwood (Photo: Lockwood)

Several local chefs have gained notoriety for blogging their thoughts.

Last fall, Carnivale's Mark Mendez got fed up with a wayward intern and took out his frustrations in an open letter.

And then John des Rosiers of Lake Bluff's Inovasi boldly dissed the molecular cuisine scene.

There are many others, some with titillating topics and others who use blogs as a means to showcase their latest culinary creations, but Lockwood chef Phillip Foss—who's gotten the most media attention for The Pickled Tonguedoles out sound advice on how to make the most out of chef blogging:

"Don’t be afraid to speak your mind & be on the edge in regards to the balance of right and wrong. Even bad publicity is still publicity. Don’t be afraid to ruffle some feathers.

"Those you alienate will likely be replaced by those who admire you for your stance. But be careful not to put HR or union issues on the line if you are in the belly of a hotel. They are to the blogger what the FCC is to Howard Stern."

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