Wednesday, February 17, 2010

500 Benjamins or Bust . . .

Kyle McHugh of Drinks Over Dearborn (Photo: Kyle McHugh)

. . . is what Drinks Over Dearborn owner Kyle McHugh says he needs in order to continue to do business in his River North venue.

The self-described "boozehound" appeals to the public on his website to get his specialty spirits, wine and beer boutique back in black:

"I have done everything I can possibly imagine to help Drinks Over Dearborn weather our country's current financial situation, but I'm now out of money, out of credit, and out of time. We simply can not continue to go forward in the state we are in financially, and there is still no money available from banks or the SBA for a small alcohol-related business from any of the many sources I've tapped in the last few weeks."

McHugh says he needs 500 people to start an account ($100 minimum) at his shop by 5pm Feb. 28 in order to stay in business. Participants would be able to purchase spirits, glasses as well as upcoming classes and events. Customers will also get a five percent discount on all items in the store and access to VIP in-store events.

He'll be doing a 24-hour webcast telethon—live from Drinks Over Dearborn—beginning at 5pm Feb. 27 and ending at the deadline of 5pm Feb. 28. The in-store event will feature live music and comedians, plus there will be plenty of booze to abuse, just in case this is the last call.

UPDATE: In less than 24 hours, they've managed to get 97 pledges! McHugh posted an update on Twitter Wednesday afternoon.

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