Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Glazed Donuts Goes Underground . . .

Maple Bacon-infused donuts from Glazed. Now I need a donut fix! (Photo: Glazed Donuts Catering)

There's been a lot of uproar since Monica Eng's story on how the city's health department destroyed thousands of dollars of local fruit that a number of niche caterers, small-batch food artisans, specialty pastry chefs and supperclubs relied on for their businesses.

Also affected was Glazed Donuts, independent donut artisans who we first discovered back in 2008.

Until recently, you could buy the specialty sweets every Friday at Bite Cafe, Swim Cafe and Green Grocer, but owners Kristen Anderson and Betsy Yagunic sent out an email late last night to alert their fans that they've "gone underground for now."

On their site, it says "Donuts are available by pre-order and subscription only, with the exception of special events."

So, if you're hankering for a honey lavender-, lemon pistachio- or chocolate basil-infused donut, you might want to make a move over to one of the weekly Green City Market events . . .

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