Monday, March 22, 2010

The Asian 'Meatball' Sandwich!

Belly Shack's Asian "Meatball" Sandwich jammed with lemongrass, fish sauce and mint. (Photo: Steve Dolinsky)

Today's Meatball Mondays comes to you by way of ABC's Steve "The Hungry Hound" Dolinsky—one of the first people in line when Belly Shack opened last fall.

He had us hooked on Bill Kim's successful sequel to Urban Belly when he tweeted this:

"Super-bold flavors at Belly Shack. Asian 'Meatball' Sandwich jammed w/lemongrass, fish sauce, mint."

It's $9.

Let's get The Meatball Shop to Chicago!


  1. this is super yums but very hard to eat as a "sandwich." you really have to eat w/knife and fork. so different and great flavors...i espec love the bean sprouts. make sure to try asap if you haven't already!

  2. Good to know. Thanks, Amanda! It's near my house, so I cannot wait to finally check it out!
