Monday, March 1, 2010

Meatball Mondays Starts March 1!

Socca's massive, one-pound meatball serves two to four people. (Photo: Socca)

312DD is on a mission to bring The Meatball Shop—or something like it—to Chicago.

But in the meantime, since so many existing eateries already feature a marvelous meatball or two on their menus, I'm going to highlight one each week.

This week's signature meatball comes to you from Socca, the offbeat Lakeview resto that's been lauded with praises from the likes of celeb chef Art Smith.

Look for one massive meatball plopped down in the center of a plate surrounded by rosemary suga, curried chickpeas, roasted peppers and arugula. It's $20.


  1. Hi 312DD, I just called Socca, and their meatball entree is actually $20, not $10.

  2. Thanks! That's interesting because on their web site it is listed as an appetizer for $10.

  3. Yes, Maxwell, it is definitely $10! ;)

  4. Really! Perhaps the guy on the phone and I got confused since I referred to the entree. Thanks DD for the heads up!

  5. hey this is christopher from socca....the "grande polpetta" (our one pound meatball) is actually $'s no appetizer unless shared by 2-4 people. it's amazingly delicious and few are able to finish it! prepare to take a doggie bag!

  6. OK, thanks for clearing that up, however, your site still says it's an appetizer at $10. Will change now!

  7. that's the "socca" which is a lamb meatball appetizer. while it is indeed $10 it's a whole different dish than the one pictured.....another delicious option for those who want a lighter dish for meatball mondays! the polpetta's description is listed under "pastas." Thanks!
