Sunday, April 11, 2010

Highlights From Stephanie Izard's 'Wandering Goat Veal Dinner'

Guests at the "Wandering Goat Veal Dinner" at Logan Square Kitchen. (Photos: Stephanie Izard)

This caught my eye first thing Sunday morning:

"Wandering Goat Veal Dinner tonight and for the first time, will be tweeting live as we go... dinner starts at 6. excited!!"

That would be Girl & The Goat owner/chef Stephanie Izard, so of course 312DD had to pay attention . . .

Held at Logan Square Kitchen, a sustainable kitchen and events space on the Northwest Side, the dinner party included Kilgus Farm veal appetizers and dishes from not only Izard, but also Primehouse's Rick Gresh and Boka's Giuseppe Tentori.

Braised Kilgus Farm veal shoulder and breast.

Here are some highlights from Izard's Twitter timeline:

1:30pm: She posts a mouth-watering "sneak peek" from the kitchen: Braised Kilgus Farm Veal Shoulder and Breast. (I'll take a pound of that to go, please!)

5:30pm: Izard's assistant's got some nice penmanship there! He's writing out the yummy menu on chalkboard. (Here it is completed.)

Izard with chefs Tentori (left) and Gresh.

6:20: "Tongue and Cheek." Pistachio Picada and Roasted Fingerlings.

6:40pm: From Rick Gresh: Veal Saltimboca Preserved Roasted Garlic and Tomato from his garden!

6:45: And from Giuseppe Tentori, Crispy Veal Brain w/Moroccan BBQ.

Izard's sliced loin over veal breast filled crisp masa with celery root.

7:15pm: 3floyds in the house! Long live Dark Lord Day.

7:23pm: Telling story of Guillermo the Calf from Kilgus Farm...before eating him.

7:31pm: Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Tentori's entree (Veal Gallantine, Sicilian Pistachio, Bourbon Mustard) done up all pretty.

8:05pm: Izard's dish! The Masa w/Guillermo's rib section and sliced loin.

8:34: Gresh's Veal "Blanquette" of potato pave, creamed ramps and mushroom black pepper vinaigrette.

9:08pm: Dessert coming out, which may or may not have eggplant.

9:22pm: From Black Dog Gelato: eggplant and apple tart, lemon/ginger gelato.

9:37pm: Hasta luego, Guillermo. Dinner over, party begins . . .

1 comment:

  1. we just got home - it was unbelievable. While we loved all of the dishes, Stephanie's were in a class of their own. We also had to compliment her on her front of house staff. They were all so kind and welcoming. We debated getting tickets since the price was higher than her last one (The sustainable seafood event which was also incredible - and had more courses), but how can you go wrong with these chefs? we talked about the event the whole ride home which in itself, made it worth the $$$$
