Monday, May 24, 2010

The Buzz on Rooftop Honey Wheat Beer

The bees behind Rooftop Honey Wheat Beer. (Photo: Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile)

This should be a pretty sweet treat this summer . . .

Half Acre Beer Co. teams up with the Marriott's Harvest restaurant to create Rooftop Honey Wheat Beer.

More than 350,000 Italian five-striped bees call the downtown hotel's ninth-floor rooftop home, and hang out in five hives (up from three last year) to produce over 200 pounds of honey.

That's waaaaay more than enough to use in a number of dishes at the restaurant, jar for your at-home pleasure and drop in bottles of Rooftop Honey Wheat Beer.

The signature beer's exclusive to the hotel, and in limited availability, so get on it!

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