Monday, September 20, 2010

When the Diner is NOT Right . . .


Here's a ridiculously hilarious story from Anthony Todd, who writes for online 'zine Chicagoist, of dissatisfied diners who didn't do their research before heading out to particular restos:

"I was eating dinner at the Purple Pig recently and a couple of women, one older and one younger, sat down next to me. They were chatting pleasantly, and I thought nothing of it.

"The waiter handed them the menus, and they started to complain, loudly. It came out that they were vegetarians, and were outraged that they couldn't find dishes they could eat.

Now, two facts. First, they walked into a restaurant called the Purple Pig, whose tagline is 'Cheese, Swine and Wine.' Second, I was with a vegetarian myself, and he was having a wonderful time. Well, apparently the vegetarian options were 'too weird.'

The confused waiter suggested some cheese, but when it came, they were disturbed because it was too pungent. After half an hour of this, their dining companion arrived and they shared a pleasant 10 minutes giggling and complaining - how can anyone eat here, they wondered? Apparently, these people had managed to choose a restaurant without noting its name, looking at its menu or seeing the sign on the way in."

Read the entire story here.