Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Even More Of A Good Thing

Customers line up for free cupcakes Monday in the Gold Coast. (Photo: More)

After several months of delays, the more mobile cupcake truck finally had its debut Monday.

To mark its maiden voyage, owner Patty Rothman is giving away her biggest hit cupcakes throughout the week. On the very first day, she gave out more than 5,000 treats, including Chocolate-Chocolate and Red Velvet, in the downtown area.

312DD got to see firsthand how a mobile-food truck operation works by assisting Rothman in giving out free cupcakes in the Gold Coast.

Cupcake fans enjoy Red Velvet and Chocolate-Chocolate treats from more. (Photo: More)

We had barely set up shop in the little park across the street from Tavern on Rush and fans had lined up eagerly for the freebies. We were well stocked with boxes full of the good stuff and gave customers two and three cupcakes at a time.

After about half an hour, we decided to move to the Six Corners, in Bucktown/Wicker Park. As word spread that we were in the 'hood—and were giving away free food—customers started streaming out of Big Star, Wicker Park Tavern as well as the area's gyms (yes, they did!).

Anyone who thinks cupcakes are on the downtrend are surely wrong, as I witnessed the neighborhood's hippest hipsters foaming at the mouth for the miniature desserts. They rode up on bikes, took a break from watching "Monday Night Football," and even brought their families. We even got a wino or two.

It was fun to go along for the ride, and Rothman plans to host additional local personalities, including socialite Amanda Puck (this Friday) and celebrity chef Graham Elliot (TBA) of the quirky eponymous River North restaurant.

To track down the more mobile, follow it on Twitter here.


  1. I love the idea of cupcake trucks - a modern twist on the ice cream truck! I wonder if they've thought about blasting a newer version of "The Entertainer" from a megaphone strapped to the top of the truck?

  2. THAT would be fun! I'm sure Patty will be reading this at some point today, so maybe she will get some ideas . . . ;)
