Monday, October 4, 2010

'Man vs. Food' Star Has One Helluva Temper


Maybe he was having a severe case of indigestion.

Or perhaps he was coming down from a serious sugar-induced high.

Whatever the case, Adam Richman—star of pig-out Travel Channel show "Man vs. Food"—did not take kindly to those criticizing his show last week.

It all started with this interview with Food Network's Alton Brown, who called Richman's show "gluttonous" and "disgusting."

Richman immediately lashed out on Twitter at not only Brown in defense of his show, but also anyone else who criticized him, including a Chicago bartender who works at a popular West Loop lounge.

The Chicago guy chimed in on Twitter with his opinion on the situation:

"While AB may be dramatic, he's right."

Richman actually shot back at the bartender with a direct message on Twitter:

"You're entitled to your opinion, as he is to his. But that doesn't mean either of you are right or I have to like it."

Next, the bartender sent out a tweet warning others who criticized Richman about the situation to also expect a direct message:

"Get ready 4 DM expressing @AdamRichman's bitchassness. Agree w/AB but was avid viewer til AR cried about criticism."

Believe it or not, Richman responded one more time over the weekend. And this one is epic:

"Nobody cried about shit. I addressed you directly 1 to 1. Man to man. Taking a private disagreement public is bitchassness, bitchass."

This is funny as hell. Someone get that man some food, STAT.


  1. I too have received the wrath of Richman. This spring I "@" him asking if his show couldn't be celebrate local spots in a more health-minded way. He sicced his commenters on me and blocked me on Twitter. (seriously, who blocks people?)

  2. I am hoping that he was just having a bad day...I still want to like to Adam Richman!
