Sunday, November 14, 2010

Condolences to Chef Paul Wildermuth Family


This is very sad news.

The Chicago Tribune is reporting that acclaimed chef Paul Wildermuth (formerly of Ben Pao, Opera, Red Light) "collapsed on Saturday night and died, according to family." He was 46.

Our prayers and condolences go out to his family.


  1. Dear Audarshia,

    I am just seeing this. Thank you very much for posting it. This is Patience. remember me? I bartended at RedLight, way back in the day.

    That article, by the way mentioned "family". They never contacted me or anyone else in Paul's family, however I am touched that they wrote & published it. I am touched that you picked up oon it & wrote what you did. As of Saturady night, it's been 10 weeks. I miss Paul just as much today. he was my heart.... my rock .... my future....

    Thanks again,

  2. Hey, Patience.

    Paul was a great man and an amazing chef, who was very generous with his talents.

    I am glad that we all had the opportunity to experience his food as well as his friendship.

    I'm so sorry for your loss, and I wish you and your family my condolences.

    He will be dearly missed.

