Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is Your Mouth Watering Yet?!

(Photo: The Doughnut Vault)

I'm still anxiously awaiting the arrival of The Doughnut Vault—set to open in River North in a few weeks—but I just came across these drool-enticing photos the owner (who's also behind Gilt Bar, Maude's Liquor Bar) recently posted on the shop's blog.

Check it out for updates on tasty menu items and cool tidbits on the history of doughnuts. Plus, sooner or later they're going to have to reveal the actual location . . .


  1. I was just saying the other day how living in Wicker Park makes it hard to hit Dinkel's up for donuts the way I used to. Glad there will be something a bit closer to downtown so I can at least stop in to pick up some fun before work.

  2. The photo is making me want doughnuts soooo bad. You have no idea. I haven't really eaten them since childhood, but these are obv doughnuts for grown folks. ;)

  3. These look like the awesome donuts from Doughnut Plant in NYC that I love so much. I hope they live up to my expectations!
