Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tequila, Tex-Mex & Pinups in Ukrainian Village!

Photo via WayneWallace.com

Looks like Ukrainian Village's Jam is soon getting a cool new neighbor.

Sweet Tips, a Tex-Mex tequila bar and restaurant, plans to settle in just behind the popular brunch spot some time in June.

That space has been vacant since Sweet Cakes moved down the street last year, so building owner Roy Tijerina decided to transform it into his ultimate fantasy. According to a source working on the project, Tijerina, who is an artist, will design the space himself.

He's reportedly building a rustic setting that will include a saucy atmosphere of pinup girl posters, oversize plane wings and other kitschy accents.

No word on what to expect on the menu yet, but we hear he's working on a well-thought out tequila menu for now. Hmmmmm. Wonder if he needs help with that . . .

1 comment:

  1. What's happening with Jam's outdoor seating? Will Sweet Tips patrons have to walk through a Jam dinner service? Bizarre.
