Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's Next For The Rockit Guys?!

Rockit Ranch Productions partners Brad Young (from left), Billy Dec and Arturo Gomez. (Photo: Rockit Ranch Productions)

Some of the principles of Rockit Ranch Productions were in New York City Monday, and they were eating as though their lives depended on it.

Billy Dec—who was accompanied by partners Arturo Gomez and Aeron Lancero—tweeted that the crew was on a mission to dine at 14 restaurants in 14 hours.

The Rockit crew's feast of Peking pork ribs, glass noodles and iron skillet tofu at Macao. (Photo: Billy Dec)

By the looks of Dec's twitter feed, they can boast mission accomplished as they chowed down at the likes of Fatty Cue's in Brooklyn, TriBeCa's tony Macao and the famed Momofuko. After grubbing, they somehow made their way over to a super secret speakeasy for cocktails.

Dec also has plans to travel through Asia in the next two weeks, so it's pretty obvious that something's in the works. An Ultimate Insider close to the camp also confirmed that RRP has already settled upon a new concept and that this quick "research" trip was just icing on the cake.

I'm going to take an educated guess and toss out there that they're working on an Asian-themed concept with a speakeasy lounge component. If you've been to the Lower East Side of New York, particularly in Chinatown, you already know that these places are very popular and most have managed to maintain solid local crowds.

Can it be pulled off in Chicago?! Hell yeah, but here's to hoping they're looking at locations beyond the over-saturated River North neighborhood.

Developing . . . and remember 312DD broke the Sunda story first.

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