Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mindy Segal Was A Punk/Goth Girl

Hot Chocolate's Mindy Segal grew up on Chicago's North Shore. (Photo: Mindy Segal)

As a local hometown girl, it always makes me especially proud to see other locally grown folks make it to the big time.

So I was pretty happy to check out Time Out's latest story featuring Chicago's own R.J. & Jerrod Melman (Hub 51/Paris Club), Doug Sohn (Hot Doug's) and Mindy Segal (Hot Chocolate).

I was particularly entertained by Segal's story, which took us back to when she was 19 years old and hung out in the goth/punk/new wave club scene.

"Clubs are different now. The people have changed. The '80s were the most fun time to go," she said.

Who knew she'd been such a clubhead?!

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