Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another Server Outs A 'Bad Tipper'


Remember the infamous "two cents" tipper from earlier this year?!

Well, now he's got some competition. A server at Wrigleyville's Red Ivy tweeted this photo Wednesday from yet another cheap ass tipping her $0.99 on a $12 bill.

Is this some sort of trend or something?


  1. I understand that this is not a 20% tip, however, posting these twit pix is going to start a trend and eventually get someone fired and the bad tipper...well I am not sure if they are the ones who are going to get the lesson. We have all gotten bad tips, its part of the game, but I can't help wondering if the server was off his or her phone tweeting, possible prebussing a table or seeing if that guest wanted another 12 dollar cranberry and vodka in wrigleyville... maybe they could have cranked another drink out and gotten that extra buck.... be a little more classy on all levels to all parties... hope your boss sees this, cause I am fairly certain the tipper doesn't...

  2. I agree with Anonymous #1. This is not going to get people to tip more. Better service always trumps the low level thinking of the person who posted this. It reveals a certain sense of arrogance. I truly believe the person who did this was trying to make a point - that they didn't deserve more, probably based on service or lack thereof.

  3. The one from earlier in the year is still stupid, but it's a little different. That of course points out that a server shouldn't be punished for the food not coming out fast enough.

    But what exactly is the point of posting a photo of a bad tip in general? Really. The tipper's never going to see it, and anyone who isn't a sycophant feeling sorry for whatever sorry server posted it is going to see straight through to how petulant the server is.
    This annoys me.

    Vent to your fellow servers for a few minutes then grow up and do your job better.

  4. Audarshia, what is the background on this? just a cheap person?, great service?, bad service/'tude?...

  5. I am wondering if You got the server's permission to publish the photo. Your post caused a lot of negative backlash. And could have cost the server their job. He/she clearly posted this out of frustration. But now you have broadcast it to a larger audience than it was intended for. You are doing this person a great disservice in my opinion.

  6. Anon: The server posted her comment to a public photo website, which was brought to my attention. To me, that means she WANTED to get this out. Had she not wanted this to get out, she would not have published for all to see. This was not my problem. Thanks.
