Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blind Item Guessing Game!


So this is pretty shocking news . . .

An Ultimate Insider tells 312DD that a popular Asian-inspired restaurant in the West Loop will close in about a month.

Apparently it has nothing to do with finances—because the spot is packed daily—but some legal issues have come to a head. But you know what?! Every project eventually runs its course anyway, and the partners are already working on the next chapter, which is supposed to be hot.

Stay tuned . . .


  1. Oooh, look what I know. Just report it and be done with it.

  2. Well, I'd venture to guess that Red Light is closing and that the Boka boys have been looking into the space....I'd also guess that the news with what they're doing with the new Landmark space will be even bigger news.

  3. Curiosity has me. Being that Red Light closed over a month ago, what place are you talking about?
