Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Paris Club’s Sexy New Rooftop Lounge

Paris Club rooftop photo courtesy of Urban Daddy Chicago/Francis Son

Our friends over at Urban Daddy Chicago give us a first look at Paris Club's Studio Paris, the rooftop lounge opening tonight:

"Find the stairs behind the first-floor DJ booth, and climb them to enter what amounts to your average artists’ garret: studio lights, a retractable glass roof, potted palms, walls made of grass, roving in-house paparazzi, a DJ and buckets of champagne everywhere—everything you require to get into your creative head space."

And speaking of UD, the editors are up to no good Thursday night with a whiskey-drinking party down the street from Paris Club at Hubbard Inn.

Hosted by Chivas, the event happens on the top level and features passed appetizers, complimentary cocktails and beautiful, whiskey drinking women (and men). What more do you need?!

The party goes down 6-8pm Thursday. RSVP at

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