Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Melt Sandwich Shop Opens Soon in Bucktown


Just got word that Porkchop's Dion Antic signed a lease late Wednesday afternoon for his latest project: a gourmet grilled cheese concept called Melt Sandwich Shop.

The space used to be home to soup-focused Nalyah's Café, and he plans to trick it out to resemble a "schoolhouse study" with communal tables. That's perhaps due to the fact that he's counting on a large crowd of moms and kids to frequent the spot after classes.

In addition to grilled cheese, Melt will serve artisan meats and breads, and there will also be a big focus on organic, gluten-free and vegan items. He'll also offer salads and mini bites sealed in 20-ounce cups. Look for apple slices with peanut butter; granola bars with honey yogurt; all packaged especially for kids. There will also be three soups served at all times: French onion, tomato bisque and homemade chicken noodle. All prices will be under $10.

Melt is expected to open right after Labor Day weekend.


  1. OMG...a gourmet grilled cheese concept....PLEASE OPEN SOON! Love it already!

  2. OMG, it looks delicious...I am drooling right now. CHEESE-love.

  3. Rip off of Melt Shop in NYC!

  4. Really sad this is not related to Melt in Cleveland :(

  5. What a complete joke. Total rip off. The real Melt is in Cleveland. I hope this joke of a place fails.
