Monday, July 18, 2011

St. Louis Bar Stars Take Over Drawing Room

TJ Vytlacil of St. Louis' Blood and Sand will guest bartend at The Drawing Room this weekend. (Photo: Blood and Sand)

Damn near every mixologist from Chicago is heading out this week for Tales of the Cocktail in New Orleans. Think of it as a weeklong blowout bash for bartenders, but they're also learning tricks of the trade while they're there.

But what does that mean for us cocktail enthusiasts who are left behind?! Do we have to (gasp!) figure out how to make our own drinks or settle for wine and beer until they're back?

The Drawing Room is at least one cocktail lounge that's considered its fans before allowing master mixologist Charles Joly and his super staff to take off for the Big Easy.

Joly is letting a crew of guys from St. Louis take over in his absence. TJ Vytlacil and Adam Frager from the forthcoming Blood and Sand as well as Chad George from Demun Oyster Bar have created a delicious drink list.

"We're lucky to have great Midwest representatives take the helm for the weekend!" says Joly, who was confident leaving the award-winning cocktail lounge in their hands.

I think I will be all over Love Burns, which sounds like a good balance between bitter and sweet with Don Q Anejo, raw simple syrup, the after-dinner digestif Barolo Chinato and grapefruit bitters from the Bitter Truth.

Here's what else to expect:

The Asian-ness

2 oz Yamazaki Scotch

.75 oz Antica Formula Vermouth

.5 oz Campari

.25 oz Cynar

Creole Bitters Bitter Truth

Garnished With Shiso

Love Burns

2 oz Don Q Anejo

1 oz Lemon Juice

1 oz Raw Simple Syrup

.75 oz Barolo Chinato

Grapefruit Bitters Bitter Truth

Grapefruit Twist

Grounds For Divorce

2 oz Black Maple Hill Bourbon

.75 oz Cardamaro

.75 oz Punt Es Mes

.5 oz Campari

Aromatic Bitters

Maraschino Cherry Garnish

Espadin & Sand

1.5 oz Mezcal

1.0z OJ

1 oz Antica Formula Sweet Vermouth

.5 oz Creme De Cassis

Flamed Orange

Start Wearing Purple

1.5 oz Sloe Gin

.5 oz London Dry Gin Beefeater

.75 oz Fresh Lime Juice

.5 oz Raw Simple

.5 oz Benedictine

Egg White

Bar Code Baked Apple Bitters

Fresh Sorrel Garnish

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