Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We're #1 When It Comes To Hot Dog Stands

Hot Doug's photo via Complex

It's good to know that if you're craving pizza, hot dogs, burgers or tacos, there's no shortage of spots around town. broke down the stats on how Chicago ranks with other major cities in a recent survey. By the way, we're #1 when it comes to hot dog stands!

Ice Cream- Los Angeles takes the top spot with 323 shops. Runners-up include New York (291), Chicago (219) and Phoenix (201).

Fried Chicken- Dallas wins with 113 joints. Runners-up include Houston (106), Atlanta (68) and Chicago (67).

Hot Dogs- Chicago is number one with 98 stands. Runners-up include San Francisco (59), Los Angeles (56) and Atlanta (55).

Pizza- New York triumphs with 1737 pizzerias. Runners-up include Chicago (747), Los Angeles (738) and Phoenix (634).

Tacos- Houston earns the top spot with 267 taquerias. Runners-up include Chicago (256), Los Angeles (253) and San Francisco (223).

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