Thursday, August 18, 2011

Best Customer Service Story EVER.

Peter Shankman (left) with tuxedoed server from Morton's Hackensack. (Photo: Peter Shankman)

I guess you can say there are benefits to having more than 100,000 Twitter followers. And it certainly helps if you're also a whiz when it comes to social media networking.

New York consultant Peter Shankman—who tweets @petershankman—received one of the best receptions ever Wednesday night when he arrived at Newark Airport to find a Morton's Steakhouse server waiting for him with a bag filled with "a 24 oz. Porterhouse steak, an order of Colossal Shrimp, a side of potatoes, one of Morton's famous round things of bread, two napkins and silverware."

How did this happen?!

The loyal Morton's customer jokingly tweeted that the legendary restaurant should meet him at the airport with a Porterhouse when he landed in two hours.

Ummm, they did, and here is his entire account.

This is simply an incredible story, and while I am sure this is not something Morton's would regularly do, I guarantee there will be copycats.

And many.

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