Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Former Bonsoiree Chef Heads To Pops

Luke Creagan is the new executive chef at Pops for Champagne. (Photo: Luke Creagan)

After just a couple of weeks of leaving Logan Square's Michelin-rated Bonsoiree, Luke Creagan is on to his next adventure.

He tells 312DD exclusively that on Wednesday he accepted an offer to be the executive chef at Pops for Champagne, which has not had an exciting food menu since Andrew Brochu left a couple of years ago.

"I am super stoked to join the place, and will try to put food on their map a little more," Creagan says. "I start next Monday and will be forming basically a new team in the kitchen. Ready to rock!"

Looking forward to see what he does there!


  1. Awesome news. Luke's a hell of a chef!

  2. They've had great food consistently actually

  3. can the clown remain sober enough to make and create good food????
