Monday, November 28, 2011

All Eyes On These Fries Around Town

Leopold's lip-smacking, Belgian-style Poutine de Merguez comes with mounds of Nordic Creamery cheese curds and house-made bratwurst. (Photo: Leopold)

I know you just came off an extended weekend of indulging in turkey, stuffing and all the pumpkin pie you could stuff down your face, but the holiday season is only beginning. So just give in, man.

One way to celebrate the next few weeks is by chowing down on the most delicious fries in the city. But not just any fries—we're talking fries that eat like a meal.

From the Pig Face Poutine at Lincoln Park's newest cocktail lounge, Barrelhouse Flat, to sweet potato fries dipped in goat cheese fondue at Uncommon Ground, you'll find the best list of suppery spuds at

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